Saturday, December 17, 2011

buat tunangku~

Aku pasti punya masalah tiap kali ingin menulis puisi buatmu.
Entah kenapa, kuasa cintamu lebih hebat dari kata-kata yang akan terkeluarkan.
Saat itu langsung aku setuju yang dirimu satu.

Dan suatu hari kau pasti menjadi suamiku.

Ampunkan aku kalau aku pernah berkasar,
Ampunkan aku kalau aku pernah mengherdik,
Ampunkan aku kalau aku pernah menjerit,
Ampunkan aku kalau aku pernah terpekik,melolong

Tunangku, percayalah sebabnya ialah kasih dan cinta.

Janji ku kan jaga diriku selalu,
Memang hidup itu tidak pernah ada jaminan keselamatan,
Bahaya, ancaman di mana-mana.
Tapi selagi ku dalam dakapanmu,
Kamu akan menjagaku

Setiap saat dan waktu,
Setiap siang dan malam,
Setiap guruh dan hujan,
Setiap panas dan terik.
Setiap nafasku.

Aku sering menadah telapak tangan dan memohon pada Tuhan agar kau,
bukan sahaja menjadi suamiku tetapi menjadi suami yang disayangi Allah Ta’ala.

Bakal suamiku,
Selamat datang ke hidupku,
Selamat menjadi suamiku,
Selamat menjadi bapa pada anak-anakku kelak,
Selamat menjadi menantu ibu bapaku,
Selamat menjadi adik dan abang pada adik-beradikku.
Selamat menjadi keluargaku,
Selamat menjadi pelengkap hidupku.

Selamat menjadi separuh dari aku

Sunday, December 4, 2011


hi.. after a long time... hrni post update baru..

skng tgh year end sale kn? sure most of the bride to be, enjoying their hantaran hunting..
inculding me..biar pun br sket.. tapi ade jgak.. brg yg dh beli..
1. jam si Dia- Tissot
2. cincin si Dia- Habib

tadi kol mak bgtau yg dh beli2 sket, mak ckp suh beli brg  hantaran utk i as well.. 'skng tgh offer, beli lah trus'.. hrtu ade tgk kasut bonia utk Dia jgk.. tp mcm xde size,xjadi nk beli.. will have a look another time..
Ananta Burin Resort - krabi, nk honeymoon kt sini syg!!

.got to go to meet Gil, he's my hair advisor.. got to go. bye2.
mndi pn blm.

btw, esk or nnt2 i update entry kitorg g bercuti ky melaka.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

about him. Mr Fiance!

hi.. this is my Mr. Fiance. He's a very nice guy.. but barely appreciate him. i'm useless.
i'm not beautiful, not at all. and for me, he's quite a handsome guy.

we've been through so many things together.. i know him about 2years, and he's the one who still my side, no matter what i did to him. he said that he was stupid to be my side, no matter what i did.. (YES!! its hurts me.. badly..) but its was my fault.. i'm the who make him feel hurt.

he's a super nice guy! i love him so damn much. i know i cant live without him.. i do always tell him that action speaks louder than word. but me myself never did anything to him shows that i love him. STUPID GIRL!! 

to the love of my life, Tengku Kamal, i'm sorry for everything. love u always..

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

hari raya...

syg.. ni gmbr raya i..
nk tgk gmbr satu family dulu or gmbr i sorg2 je?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

back in Malaysia.

Hi, all readers.. ade  readers ke? i think the only reader yg ade hanyalah si dia shaja. (enough with all the melalut things).. i just come back from my 6 days, 5nghts trip to Bandung. YES!! Bandung.

Best..gmbr xbnyk..=( most of it with kak farahana.. stil havent upload yet.. but nk cite psl Bandung mcm dh xup to date dh.. tapi what i want to write here is whats in my mind now...i rasa nk PEGI BANDUNG LAGI!!!!!!!!! syg, i dont have enough shopping!! sgat2 xckup.. i nk pegi lagi.. mkn bakso lagi, nk pegi cr lace utk buat bj nikah.. klau blh nk tempah trus.... syg jum... in November,nk? kite g cari kain., i nk g Angel/Glamour. D'fashion tu last kdai i nk pegi... blh? then trus tempah kt sana ke? wedding on May 2012, jadi sempat lg kn? i nk kurus..nk buat (but syg, if we go there, MAKE SURE BWK SAMPIN NIKAH! sbb have to match ngn bj nikah i jgk..haruslh kn?

kad kahwin: i dont think i want to make it there.but just for your info, kt Bandung tmpt2 buat kad kawen ni, bnyk di Jln Astana Anya..Pak Icang,supir kitorg pn tempah kt situ.. for me, its not really worth it,untuk tempah kad kt sana, mmg lah murah, tp campur shipping cost lagi..(xmurah sgat).. some more in Malaysia nowdays pn, bnyk kad kawen yg dh murah...
KAD: will still follow the old plan.
1. 300pcs- yg emboss card tu, siap wangi (tempah kt kelantan)
2. 700pcs- utk jiran2 tetangga, yg konfem akn buang kad2 tu...
                  (use the same design, but will print at other publisher-nk dpt free goody bag)
*design umah llaki n pmpuan sama jek. just diffrent color.
mine will be pink, and his side will be blue.(maybe,not sure yet)..

BAJU: kn dh sebut kt atas td..
-ok, the material will be brought in Bandung during next trip (perasan, ade org nk bwk ke? ckup duit ke? )
or nk guna kain dubai chiffon yg lame tu je? (hello, its cost you almost rm1000, xkn xnk guna?
*arda will consider about its again.(tapi Cik Tunang jgk akn jadi mastermind nnt).
ade satu baju, newly design by Arma- sgt cantik! tapi sadly Cik Tunang xsuka design.. he say that it will make me look short. (dh lah mmg dh pendek =(

baju together with the veil      
Cik Tunang ckp bnyk tingkt sgat.
cantik kn?, i think klau buat design ni, it siut the chiffon yg dh rosak tu..(sebab keliling2 die xbnyk sgt).. so xyah beli kain baru.. utk nikah pn cntik, utk pegi sambut menantu pn cantik..
but this is not the finally design yet.. takut nk pk bnyk2.. takut jadi mcm time tunang dulu, all set by my parents..mmg lah senang keje, tp klau blh i want it to be my way.. its my wedding kn?
nnt ade bnyk2 idea, cmpur2 smua kite tgk lah hasilnyee jd mcmne....

GOODIES: yang ni MMG HARUS DIBELI DI BANDUNG!!! sgat berbaloi-baloi. harus di beli di sama, ya!! Jln Cibadak.. bwk dlm 6-7 juta rupiah dh dpt goddies for both side dh.. klau rasa mcm kaya sket, bwk lah 8juta.. mcm dlm 3ribu ringgt lah.. tp kak farahana hrtu xsmpi 7juta pn, dlm 2+++ ribu je..utk both side tau.. brg goody tu rasanye klau kt Malysia,mau 2-3ringgt jgk per pieces, tp kt sana u manage to get rm1 per piece.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

bandung trip: day 2

syg..... only God can tell how much i love and miss u now... risau u sgat jgk... syg mesti baca komen i ni masa syg kt sekolah kn,ni bdk2 ni nk kuar on9... i ikut i ade lah mcm xsuka sgt sket kt ab*. mcm life nk depends kt org, die semngat nk dtg on9, tapi xde bwk device ape2..hrpkn org punye... xtau nk rasa ape..
quite xsuka, tp xbek benci org kn syg..mne tau nnt kite plak yg ssh kn... so on tht reason i nk bg die pnjm laptop lpas blog kt u.

hrni.....days begins as early as 9.30 am (8.30 bandung time).. mula nk gerak kul9, tp yg guys,jejaka2 tu lmbt kitorg gerak about 10.30-masa malaysia...(KT SINI SGAT SEJUK! to anyone yg nk dtg, mlm disini dingin amat deh.... (siang belum sempat rasa, td duk kt dlm Pasar Baru tu dr pagi smpi petang..

10.30am: Msuk Pasar Baru, xbreakfast pn tau.....trus pegi kt kedai telekung... beli telekung...jumlah kt situ...i belanja dlm rm242.byr pki kad krdt. 1. telekung utk hantaran kite.. (170000 Rp=54rnggt) kak ina kepit beli kt Mlaysia,120rnggt. dh kira ok kn? i beli separuh hrga.. pas2 beli lagi tiga yg mcm 2nd grade lah...bukn yg plg murah.. yg mcm up sket..115 000 Rp, siap ngn beg cntik..(kata pak icang-supir tu skng brg mhal sket, sbb nk puasa.. so klau nk murah dtg dlm tgh2 tahun..bulan 4,5..pas2 ade satu lagi, i beli xtau nk bg sape.. labuh.. mgkn i bg mak u kot...hrga nya: 135 000Rp. -harga smuanya selepas sehabis tawar. Thanks to Mak Kak di kedai yg pertama:
1. telekung hntran - 170 000
2. yg satu je (labuh) - 135 000
3. yg biasa - 115 000 x 3 = 345 000
 jadi total smua = 669 500Rp (termsuk 3% charge krdt kad)
duit ringgt dlm 242$.

Kedai ke 2.
g kdai kain D'Fashion... besar gile kedai die syg.. tp mcm mhal sket... kt situ i sgat2 rindu u...time nk beli kain kawen tu..i xde yg berkenaan mcm kt Jakel lah, derg akn sehbes nyee nk tunjuk u mcm2... luckily Kak Fana n mak die ade, derg yg beli2 plak.. kesudahan nya i ngn abi g cari kain pasang..(still in the same shop). abg kdai tu mcm bg murah jgk.. tp for me, kedai ni mcm mhal jgk..sbb die kira per meter... cntik jgk lah kain yg i beli.. warna putih n satu lg corak leopard.. syg jgn mrh eh..sbb die sifon, tp i dh siap beli lining..harganya....:
1. leopard - 50 000 x 4 = 200 000
2. lining - 15 000 x 4= 60 000
3. yg putih - 55 000 x 4 = 220 000

total kt kdai ni: 480 000Rp ( jgk byr kad krdt) dlm ringgt mlaysia dlm rm174, the best part about this shop, die xde interest mcm kdai lain..pas2 kn.. yg kain leopard tu kn, dh hujung papan kn, jd kain tu 5 meter, tp kira hrga 4meter je.. abg promoter tu lupa nk bgtau kakak cashier..hehe, untung jgk i sket..

lepas shopping tu, around pkul 3.30 ptg,bygkn syg....dr kul 10.30, kul 3 lebih br mkn...lapar mkn die DAMN mhal!!! sgat... i mkn 40 000Rp,hanya mkn ns putih ayam sektul ngn begedil air mango juice..sgt mhl compare ngn The Stone yg cntik tu..

kedai ke 3.
lepas dh xpuas hati kt kedai mkn tu,perjalanan msih di teruskn.....g kedai beli baju2 blouse, di situ i berjaya beli satu baju utk Kak Sarah.. hrga 80 000Rp, warna pink.. tp utk umur gtu ok lah.. not for me yet.! nnt i jd pki baju2 gtu gk eh syg.. tp sizenyee besar2,i amek kn Kak Sarah size XL. nk beli utk mak i xde size. mak u xpki sluar plk.. syg..., kt kedai telekung tu i kol ayh, tp die xnk ckp ngn i, mak ayh dua2 sama.. derg bg danish ngn adik afiq yg ckp.. pas2 i letak.. ayh pn ms i msg g bandung,nek flght cuma reply 'k' gtu je.. mesti derg terasa ngn i kn...
(ok back to the report)

kedai ke 4
beli kain utk buat bj kebaya, shida kirim tu.. i beli kaler merah hrga 125 000Rp. bersamaan dlm 50ringgt.
pas2 utk i, i beli jgak.. tapi kain utk buat baju kurung hrga 140 000, dlm hrga around tu jgk lah...kesimpulan nya, kt sini i rasa telekung je stakat ni yg mmg kontra sgt beza hrganya dgn yg kt pn beli kt awek die.liana mat hasan. syg..sejuk....... syg ktne dh? knpe xmsg i?

kedai ke 5.
toko tiga,(jeans heaven).
tapi i xbeli bnyk pn, just a same design and color for both of us... reject from hard rock cafe san francisco.(xtau eja syg)...69 000 satu (dpt 15% discount)=117 300Rp (xsmpi 40ringgt) then kt kedai ni jgk i suh pak icang topupkn...
50 000. pas2,smua dh penat n lapar...
kuar dr Pasar Baru pkul 6, g Toko Tiga around 9pm kitorg grak kuar...mak kak fana beli cincin mcm ayh nk bg u cincin die suasa bkn perak...nabil kak fana n mak die beli.. murah i xsuka....

kedai ke 6. Broma (mcm giant/carefour gtu)

pegi situ sbb nk beli MEGI..mknan mhal kt dinner td i mkn megi je.. mee sedap..bumbu kari spesial.
beli 4bungkus,ngn pncuci muka yg kecik, n mineral water.. smua 14 350Rp... ms beli pcuci muka kak fana ckp die nk mntk i punye sket, die xnk beli, nk mntk i je.. (i rs ok je, sbb i asyk pnjm phone die siang tu ms i xde krdt).. pas2 abi tht time amek satu pencuci muka gk.. ok lah kn....(wait untill the end)... g beli air mineral plk... iamek botol besar mula2... sbb pk 6 hr kn, tp bile pk blk kn sllu jln, pas2 kn blh refill.. jadi i beli yg kecik... pas2..dgn tba2 si adik u,abi tu..g amek jgk...(i dh agk, ms i amek yg besar tu mesti die nk share ngn i tp xnk byr)..jd sbb tu jgk slh satu sbb i g amek yg kecik..jahat x? tu je....

so, total hrni i belanja?
total dlm= 369 350 RRp..
duit i yg ade skng,
*50 000 x 21 =1 050 000 (1juta 50 ribu)
*100 000 x 4= 400 000 (400 ribu)
ade duit yg kecik dlm 30 or 40 ribu...
so, basically ade dlm, 1 450 000 (1juta 4ratus 5puluh).
(blum byr yg hard rock cafe tu,kne bg kt nabil sbb die dulukn utk smua org)

**kak fana br lepas kira duit supir : total i kne byr 311 000Rp.
ok lah syg, setakat ni dulu report utk u... love u somuch syg... wish to come here with you baby.....
nnt lepas kawen eh u sgt......nnt kite dtg eh... ni syg ntah ktne dpt byr cube guna kad ke x? syg bc ape yg i hntr ni,nnt syg reply kt phone tau...nk tau ape yg jadi kt u.., u much syg......damn much!!!!!!!!!! thnks sgat2 syg....... u dtg kl ni i sgat2 hrgai...kcian u bosan n boring kn? tp i love u sgt.............ok lah syg... bye2.kcian plk kt abi tu.. i nk bg die pnjm laptop plk..syg nnt ape2 syg msg tau.... psl kete jgk.. n make sure jgk syg MKN UBAT!!!!! ok baby? love u so much!!!!!!!! syg sgt kt u baby...smoga kite menjadi suami isteri yg slg menyayang di ms depan.... love u so much!!!!! mmmmmmuaaaah!!!! mcm mls nk bhnti,syg jnji u bc ni, u msg i eh.. ape u u, i syg u sgat. (i sapu muka kiri kanan tengah,n flying kiss, hope syg dpt i bg kiss)..bye dd, mami love u so much... dd jnji jaga diri u sgt.. jgn tensen2 u............................................syg sgt,love u syg....bye2..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

syg...krdt dh hbes.

syg...krdt dh hbes...tdo msih? i br nk kuar... tgh tggu jejaka2..xsiap lagi.. hrni trip ke pasar baru.cihampelas.
syg ok x? nnt syg nk blk msg eh.. hati2 tau... janji, whatevr it is.. syg dont forget to text me ya.... sory smlm dpt on9 i xbgtau u...yes...may this distance make our love grows stronger...syg nnt i cari phone kt sini eh....i janji i jaga diri utk syg.. syg nk kawen ngn i ,jadi i kne jaga diri utk u jgk... smlm dh g mkn kt satu tempat tu...kt ats bukit. cntik sgat kedai nyee, xmhal sgat.. i mkn  smlm total ngn tax dlm 65000rp je.. nama restaurant die The STone, kt dago ataas. go to go .bye.

bandung.1st day

syg...first day, i g mkn kt restoran kt ats bukit..nama die the stone, nmpk bndung kt bwh die.khairi dh upload fb die, xmurah or mhl sgt.. i mkn mgkn dlm 20 kite kot..syg.........

Thursday, June 23, 2011

harus tgk blog ni!!!


designers baju

nk list satu2 bnyk sgt. just go to the website

tudung nikah

Monday, April 18, 2011

Surah Yaasin Cantik!!!..

Surah Yassin with personalized cover
Size : 17.5 x 12.5 cm

Min order - 50 pcs

Price :
1000 pcs - RM 1.50

Please email/pm for pricing for other qty

To view other designs of surah yasin, please check out this photo album




Cenderahati Kawen Kami...

Calon-calon yang tersenarai...

~yang ni ade cupcakes cantik2


Kad Kawen Kami

antara yang menjadi pilihan hati...cantik kan..hehe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

jom honeymoon....BALI kami datang!!! kami g bandung jgk..SHOPPING jum!!





....kami jadi excited..sume link nk letak..haha....


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

nice paper bag~

taman tamadun islam,trg.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

go arda!

So now, let's face it. Moving on is hard, but staying, knowing that the person who used to love you is no longer in love with you, is harder. Don't make things harder by holding on to what has already been gone. You have to let it go. It is okay. You will be fine eventually, time heals. Cliche how it sounds, but true enough.

If you are not meant to be together, you will not be together. As simple as that. Because God knows best.

I hope you are strong enough to move forward. Stay open, cause who knows, lightning could strike :)

go arda!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

al mathurat as a gift..

tolong survey harga die bpe eh?

other sourvenirs...

then we just changed to color to pink and white. so do the ribbon. this is just one of suggestion, its okay dear?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

engagement on 4th.Feb

~finally, its really happen. i got engaged on 4th Feb.11 (4.2.11)..who knows its him, he's the one yang Allah bg pada saya. hey, today is Wednesday,knpe i'm here? suppose i kat offce, but i got p*riod pain.. then pegi clinic, dpt mc. hoooray!! blh ponteng keje. ha3.. lgpn dh lama xupload fb.
** sebut psal fb! sy takut.. yes, i'm scared.. all my friend xtau i'm engaged.. i dont want to tell people, but from his side, smua dh nk upload gmbr.. owhh.. please, dont tag me.. if my wedding will be sooooo soon, i xkesah. xrasa malu. but, it will be next year.. lmbt lagi tuh!! lmbt gile lagi..yang!!! help me, dont let them tag me.. pls...
^-^ ok, nothing else, i want to let the world know. just for the e-day pic, i will upload some here.. but wait untill somebody posted it on fb. (of course they dont tag me, hopefully).. and, the dais, pelamin.. its all not my type, evrything is arrange my family, speacially Ayah. thnks a lot ayah.. kngah syg ayah. food????? evryone is enjoying the food there. nasi briyani, ayam merah, daging goreng kunyit, kuah dalca, and desert is made by me+cousin2 ku.. ha3. its good and nice!! hantaran plak the best thing, mmg lah mhal jgak.. rm300 for hantran shaja. i like it. cake pn cantik.. nnt i upload kn,, gmbr hntran i amek satu2.. hehehe.. jgn jeles hantaran sy cantik.. baju?? ok2 lah.. xde lah i xsuka, tp not 100% god on me.. ((((",)  saya gemuk skng..
# overall i bagi 87%.. no no no.. 77%, or 78%.. yes.. dpt B jek lah. 87% dh jadi A. xleh, i biasa2 jek.. ngn all my family pn xsempat nk bergambar di sebabkn some issue yang dicipta oleh my sedara2. well, people wont like us, if evrything goes smooth without their help. so jealous!! xsuka lah! ha3.. what??? my engagement ring?? hehe. later i show u, its from habib. brought during year end sale. it costed him 3130$..but lepas discaunt jd murah sket ahh. (saja nk sebut price kt sini) =sebab xpuas hati during the day, rmi org kompelin cincin satu berlian je.. wawwaaaaaaaaaaa... marah i!! 'ngah,knpe amek cincin mata se je?...ngah knpe amek mas putih.. ngah itu, ngah ini... xsuka betul..!
*for me, i glad, thanks to Him (the above one), Alhamdullilah, semuanya berjalan lancar.. sy rs gembira.. i'm officially taken. but, i'm not ready yet to tell evryone.. just wait for my wedding boleh x? ha3.. sy xnk org tau about my e-day..

$@!%$^&*%%@%*&: b4 i forget, disebabkan hantaran!!!!!! my baju nikah, rosak already!! studip kakak yang buat hantaran tu!! baju tu dh lah mahal.. dubai chiffon+silk!! isshh..mmg sakit hati ahh.. dh lah mahal tu satu, dh lah nk dpt tu kne buat speacial order almost 2months br smpi Malaysia! WTF!!!! sy nnges kot tgk baju nikah sy rosak, belum pki n jahit pn lagi dh rosak, how to simpan till ank cucu nnt? but my syg, as usual pujuk sy utk beli a new one.. but i wa sreally sad for tht baju. i tggu lame kot nk dpt baju tu, i tempah on end of November, 2weeks b4 the E-day br dpt, which is end of January. 2montahs beb.. ayayaiii..

*my ayah is the most important person during the E-day, after and also b4.. sgat2 penting! evrything was arranged by him. food, make up, cake, hantaran, baju, pelamin, evreything, even khemah(kanopi). thanks a lot ayah. syg ayah!! n b4 i leave for KL, ayh bnyk sgat bg nasihat.. its like you are talking to ur friend, not ayah.. he's so sporting.. i love ayah!!

ok, got to go!. nk kencing!! ha3. bye2. love you yang.
*i tau u sorg je baca blog i. ha3,,love syg!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

simple but nice

she's my friend, at her engagement, i want it to be this way tooo..