Saturday, July 23, 2011

back in Malaysia.

Hi, all readers.. ade  readers ke? i think the only reader yg ade hanyalah si dia shaja. (enough with all the melalut things).. i just come back from my 6 days, 5nghts trip to Bandung. YES!! Bandung.

Best..gmbr xbnyk..=( most of it with kak farahana.. stil havent upload yet.. but nk cite psl Bandung mcm dh xup to date dh.. tapi what i want to write here is whats in my mind now...i rasa nk PEGI BANDUNG LAGI!!!!!!!!! syg, i dont have enough shopping!! sgat2 xckup.. i nk pegi lagi.. mkn bakso lagi, nk pegi cr lace utk buat bj nikah.. klau blh nk tempah trus.... syg jum... in November,nk? kite g cari kain., i nk g Angel/Glamour. D'fashion tu last kdai i nk pegi... blh? then trus tempah kt sana ke? wedding on May 2012, jadi sempat lg kn? i nk kurus..nk buat (but syg, if we go there, MAKE SURE BWK SAMPIN NIKAH! sbb have to match ngn bj nikah i jgk..haruslh kn?

kad kahwin: i dont think i want to make it there.but just for your info, kt Bandung tmpt2 buat kad kawen ni, bnyk di Jln Astana Anya..Pak Icang,supir kitorg pn tempah kt situ.. for me, its not really worth it,untuk tempah kad kt sana, mmg lah murah, tp campur shipping cost lagi..(xmurah sgat).. some more in Malaysia nowdays pn, bnyk kad kawen yg dh murah...
KAD: will still follow the old plan.
1. 300pcs- yg emboss card tu, siap wangi (tempah kt kelantan)
2. 700pcs- utk jiran2 tetangga, yg konfem akn buang kad2 tu...
                  (use the same design, but will print at other publisher-nk dpt free goody bag)
*design umah llaki n pmpuan sama jek. just diffrent color.
mine will be pink, and his side will be blue.(maybe,not sure yet)..

BAJU: kn dh sebut kt atas td..
-ok, the material will be brought in Bandung during next trip (perasan, ade org nk bwk ke? ckup duit ke? )
or nk guna kain dubai chiffon yg lame tu je? (hello, its cost you almost rm1000, xkn xnk guna?
*arda will consider about its again.(tapi Cik Tunang jgk akn jadi mastermind nnt).
ade satu baju, newly design by Arma- sgt cantik! tapi sadly Cik Tunang xsuka design.. he say that it will make me look short. (dh lah mmg dh pendek =(

baju together with the veil      
Cik Tunang ckp bnyk tingkt sgat.
cantik kn?, i think klau buat design ni, it siut the chiffon yg dh rosak tu..(sebab keliling2 die xbnyk sgt).. so xyah beli kain baru.. utk nikah pn cntik, utk pegi sambut menantu pn cantik..
but this is not the finally design yet.. takut nk pk bnyk2.. takut jadi mcm time tunang dulu, all set by my parents..mmg lah senang keje, tp klau blh i want it to be my way.. its my wedding kn?
nnt ade bnyk2 idea, cmpur2 smua kite tgk lah hasilnyee jd mcmne....

GOODIES: yang ni MMG HARUS DIBELI DI BANDUNG!!! sgat berbaloi-baloi. harus di beli di sama, ya!! Jln Cibadak.. bwk dlm 6-7 juta rupiah dh dpt goddies for both side dh.. klau rasa mcm kaya sket, bwk lah 8juta.. mcm dlm 3ribu ringgt lah.. tp kak farahana hrtu xsmpi 7juta pn, dlm 2+++ ribu je..utk both side tau.. brg goody tu rasanye klau kt Malysia,mau 2-3ringgt jgk per pieces, tp kt sana u manage to get rm1 per piece.


  1. xde org bace pun..sape baca..i pun x bace..haha

  2. hiii saya baca !! baru jumpa ur blog. i folo dan link u ek. salam kenal b2b. jom exchange link =)

