Wednesday, February 9, 2011

engagement on 4th.Feb

~finally, its really happen. i got engaged on 4th Feb.11 (4.2.11)..who knows its him, he's the one yang Allah bg pada saya. hey, today is Wednesday,knpe i'm here? suppose i kat offce, but i got p*riod pain.. then pegi clinic, dpt mc. hoooray!! blh ponteng keje. ha3.. lgpn dh lama xupload fb.
** sebut psal fb! sy takut.. yes, i'm scared.. all my friend xtau i'm engaged.. i dont want to tell people, but from his side, smua dh nk upload gmbr.. owhh.. please, dont tag me.. if my wedding will be sooooo soon, i xkesah. xrasa malu. but, it will be next year.. lmbt lagi tuh!! lmbt gile lagi..yang!!! help me, dont let them tag me.. pls...
^-^ ok, nothing else, i want to let the world know. just for the e-day pic, i will upload some here.. but wait untill somebody posted it on fb. (of course they dont tag me, hopefully).. and, the dais, pelamin.. its all not my type, evrything is arrange my family, speacially Ayah. thnks a lot ayah.. kngah syg ayah. food????? evryone is enjoying the food there. nasi briyani, ayam merah, daging goreng kunyit, kuah dalca, and desert is made by me+cousin2 ku.. ha3. its good and nice!! hantaran plak the best thing, mmg lah mhal jgak.. rm300 for hantran shaja. i like it. cake pn cantik.. nnt i upload kn,, gmbr hntran i amek satu2.. hehehe.. jgn jeles hantaran sy cantik.. baju?? ok2 lah.. xde lah i xsuka, tp not 100% god on me.. ((((",)  saya gemuk skng..
# overall i bagi 87%.. no no no.. 77%, or 78%.. yes.. dpt B jek lah. 87% dh jadi A. xleh, i biasa2 jek.. ngn all my family pn xsempat nk bergambar di sebabkn some issue yang dicipta oleh my sedara2. well, people wont like us, if evrything goes smooth without their help. so jealous!! xsuka lah! ha3.. what??? my engagement ring?? hehe. later i show u, its from habib. brought during year end sale. it costed him 3130$..but lepas discaunt jd murah sket ahh. (saja nk sebut price kt sini) =sebab xpuas hati during the day, rmi org kompelin cincin satu berlian je.. wawwaaaaaaaaaaa... marah i!! 'ngah,knpe amek cincin mata se je?...ngah knpe amek mas putih.. ngah itu, ngah ini... xsuka betul..!
*for me, i glad, thanks to Him (the above one), Alhamdullilah, semuanya berjalan lancar.. sy rs gembira.. i'm officially taken. but, i'm not ready yet to tell evryone.. just wait for my wedding boleh x? ha3.. sy xnk org tau about my e-day..

$@!%$^&*%%@%*&: b4 i forget, disebabkan hantaran!!!!!! my baju nikah, rosak already!! studip kakak yang buat hantaran tu!! baju tu dh lah mahal.. dubai chiffon+silk!! isshh..mmg sakit hati ahh.. dh lah mahal tu satu, dh lah nk dpt tu kne buat speacial order almost 2months br smpi Malaysia! WTF!!!! sy nnges kot tgk baju nikah sy rosak, belum pki n jahit pn lagi dh rosak, how to simpan till ank cucu nnt? but my syg, as usual pujuk sy utk beli a new one.. but i wa sreally sad for tht baju. i tggu lame kot nk dpt baju tu, i tempah on end of November, 2weeks b4 the E-day br dpt, which is end of January. 2montahs beb.. ayayaiii..

*my ayah is the most important person during the E-day, after and also b4.. sgat2 penting! evrything was arranged by him. food, make up, cake, hantaran, baju, pelamin, evreything, even khemah(kanopi). thanks a lot ayah. syg ayah!! n b4 i leave for KL, ayh bnyk sgat bg nasihat.. its like you are talking to ur friend, not ayah.. he's so sporting.. i love ayah!!

ok, got to go!. nk kencing!! ha3. bye2. love you yang.
*i tau u sorg je baca blog i. ha3,,love syg!

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