Sunday, December 4, 2011


hi.. after a long time... hrni post update baru..

skng tgh year end sale kn? sure most of the bride to be, enjoying their hantaran hunting..
inculding me..biar pun br sket.. tapi ade jgak.. brg yg dh beli..
1. jam si Dia- Tissot
2. cincin si Dia- Habib

tadi kol mak bgtau yg dh beli2 sket, mak ckp suh beli brg  hantaran utk i as well.. 'skng tgh offer, beli lah trus'.. hrtu ade tgk kasut bonia utk Dia jgk.. tp mcm xde size,xjadi nk beli.. will have a look another time..
Ananta Burin Resort - krabi, nk honeymoon kt sini syg!!

.got to go to meet Gil, he's my hair advisor.. got to go. bye2.
mndi pn blm.

btw, esk or nnt2 i update entry kitorg g bercuti ky melaka.

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