Wednesday, December 29, 2010


i'm wearing my mum old clothes; for her engagement

Thursday, December 23, 2010

buat ape lah!

* seriously, bullshit! SORRY. 

i feel like wanna say it. ok, thats all. thank you.

~ yes, i was dreaming. But, its yesterday!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

cake!!! for m e-day~

this is the cake should be.

and this is the flower on top should be!
like it,syg?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

new picture!










 this both picture, give me an idea.. ok! balik KL, kite g cari kotak.. 1. kedai Paper Boutique tuh.. tgk2, n survey harga. then, 2. Living Cabin, sure they got lots of kotak there. then, 3. Lovely Lace, ade ke eh? tgk dulu..if ade yang ok, kie amek, bwk balik.. ha3. xyah bayar, cabut trus. sbb harga die konfem mahal sket. lastly, 4. Memory Lane. surely, last choice, but trust me, it will help us a lots. ok?

Deal, or no deal, syg??
text me if u agree. bye!
(ngantuk sudah).

now i know~

* we had a fight today, about our engagement. ok! let me tell u, my engagement is on 4th Feb. (about another 1month to-go). and today we fight about it. totally a big fight!! , which lead to today's title.. now i know, how couple got into quarrel when the big day is coming. the more closer, the bigger fight it is.

Damn! i messed it up, everything. i should plan it earlier, plan about every single thing. not to be end up like this. i even says 'I Hate U' to him tonight, it just because he  called my mum to settle down everything. i dont know why, i still mad with him. And, the parents, no matter mine or his, they both has their own opinion, about the 'hantaran' thing.. some says should not give sireh, asam garam yet for the engagement, while the other side says SHOULD give. (obviously my family lah ckp SHOULD bagi tuh, sbb mmg sengaja diCAPLOCK kn.)

omg! bnyknyee keje kne buat, this is just an engagement, not a wedding yet. i want a nice one! REALLY NICE. pull stop.

i want something like this one. simple but nice!

but..=( where can i found this in Terengganu? Ayah dont allow to do it in KL, how to carry it back?? while Mak says it wil cost a lot. Syg!!! help me, i love u, just tadi i was......dont know what to do.=(
- or u have any better idea, syg? i cant remember the 'kotak-kotak' thing u said, yang i suka tu.. i cant found it on the internet, where is it, yang?? can you show me?

or., a bowl like this?
for your info, tu Elyana punya hantran for her hubby. can i afford the same thing? oh, surely no! but i still can use the idea, right? ( syg, u suka x yag macam ni?..Pleaseeeeee... says that u like it too.. mintak Ayh Teh Kur, apply the same idea. So, we just need to buy bowl.., lots of beautiful bowl..
i try to google "hantaran dalam kotak", i found ots of interesting thing. and also i dah ingat about kotak yang u mean tadi, syg. sowyy, just remember it already. its from Paper Boutique kt Midvalley,kan? hehe.

cantik,kn? i dh tnye quatation.he2

ni lah, Paper Boutique kt Mid tuh.
SYG!!!!!! i ade suprise, for you..

tadaaa!! its not a cake.its bekas hantaran.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

* this is the meaning of my blog title, everything, not sooo everything.., something will changed soon (something good ). ^_^ . This is just a BEGINNING of The Story, my story. his story, and also everyone's story.