Wednesday, February 29, 2012

no idea..

he ASK me to be strong, like i'm one of his students.. don't he care about what i feel?
he TOLD that i'm ego, ASK to throw that away. don't he really understand why i'm so silent?

always ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please understand that we are not dolls to be ASK for so many things!

headache.. so much things to be count on me.. what decision can i make on my own?
working in there give me more of thousand headache!

Pray to God, please make me stronger.
You are the only place that i can count on.
i believe that things happen for good. =)

no idea..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

it almost two months..

hi.. tajuk tu blh jadi double meaning tau..

1.two months dh xupdate blog
2.two months to The Wedding! (almost)

ok.. hrni pegi tempah kad.. pas2, ok lah..but i'm still confused.. wat color my card be? i want white, with gold stamping.. but the inlay wont looks good with gold.. then have to choose metallic cream.. with gold stamping. i like it as well.. but only about 30-40 percent?
or... should i choose white card with black stamping. and white inlay with black writing?

onfused... nk bgtau i tempah my card at MyOneCard. its ok lah so far.. xtau lah nnt bile kad dh siap jd mcm ne.. hope its turn out i like what i want it to be..

yang PENTING! SEKARANG SAYA HARUS KURUS!!  2months to The Wedding,sempat ke nk kurus? syg, doakn i eh.. dpt jadi kurus... nnt nk jd ur wife jgk.. psl preparation for The Wedding bnyk yg my parents sets it up.. hadiah doorgift smua derg yg handle from yg guest biasa tu VIP guest. canggih kn?
it's not i dont want to do it.. but my parents is far more excited than me.. even my borang nikah pn Ayah yg handle..n to Mr. Hubby to-be pn thank you jgk. sbb tlg Ayah. and utk Ayah, super duper thank you!! kngah syg Ayah sllu..

Pelamin deco- done (tempah je baru)
coz my parents want The Wedding to be yellow in color.. then i figured out, why dont i mix and match the colors.. parents-want it Yellow. me-wants it Pink. sooo.,just mix it Yellow&Pink. maybe..
but, i think it will be great.. since Ayah pn ckp hrtu xkesah sgat wra ape2 pn..

*tiba2 ter'pikir psl color kad lagi..=(

Photographer- done (tempah je jgk)
belum pergi jumpa utk full detail lg.. tggu 3weeks b4 The Wedding. sbb mmg dh konfirm with the vendor. just arrangement blum setting lg. temaph waktu Festival Pengantin Terengganu. thnks to the organizer, during tht time i got a toaster as lucky draw prize. wlaupn, toaster.. xkn dpt free kn? btw, i really thnx them coz.. people like me, who's have family there, kampung smua kt sana. but working in KL. dont really know well about weddings in there. even if beli mag Pegantin tu pn, as covers Klang Valley ares jek. so, bil ade thing like this dpt lah sy membuat tempahan. hehe =)

Baju nikah-tempah!
this one mula2 macam pening . how i like my dress to be? nk design macam ni.. macam tu lah..macam2.. but lastly turns out to be, just a baju kurung. "less is always more." sudah tempah tp belum siap.. thts why I HAVE TO KURUS!! mintak jauh sebarang kejadian yg tidak diingini.. ade mungkin bnyk sket kot baju. baju sanding-sponsored by my uncle.. xtau how the baju will look like, but its my size.. he runs his own wedding gallery, but kecil2 je. so, he buy me a new one, so i jadi org yg pertama pakai n its my size. Baju nikah pn, die sponsor, tp the fabric is mine. die byr kn upah tailor, sbb tu mmg his tailor. both of the baju pn from teh same tailor.. then, my uncle give another pair from kenduri at his side. dh jadi ade 3 baju.. +yg dpt dari pakej pelamin another 2, so total of the baju-bajus will be=5pairs. mungkin.

ape lagi eh..oppps.. doorgift?

Doorgift-3/4 done.
all done by my parents.tggu i beli bunga telur, doorgift beg, and plastik utk isi gula2.. thts it. my doorgift very simple n cheap. tu yg penting.. 100% my parents yg pilih n beli.. biarlah.. xnak derg terasa dan jgk xnk bnyk bunyi.. sbb Mak Ayah yg beli. so diam je. tp wat i like the most is coklat dlm bentuk2 love sgt touching. thnks Mak Ayah, kngah suka sgt.. n the chocolate tasted good.

Baju for family.. -half done
yang ni pn penting jgkk. sbb family pn nk cantik2 jgk during The Wedding. kne beli sorg 2psg. 1 for nikah,1 for sanding. nsb bek Mak support ckp yg hr b'tandang pki baju yg lame2 sudah lah. hehe. selamat. this half je br done. utk Mak- 1done, 1 not done Ayah-both done Adik-1done,1not yet n Along-both pn xbeli lagi. bab baju kakak saya ni lah yg plg susah sbb die kene beli size budak2. she's special. baju utk langkah bendul lagi. bnyk jgk utk die neh.. lalalala... huh.. xtau nk cari kt mane.. dh hbes pusing Jln TAR tu.xjumpa. nnt nk pergi AFRINA di Semua House. kt mne xtau tp afrina ade bnyk baju utk kids jgk..kot...

Hantaran- half done..(xsmpi half sgt lah)
masih bnyk yg undone dr done sebenarnye... which is from for me-NOTHING done! and for him.. almost DONE! except kemeja n specialX. yg xtau lagi nk beli ape.+ brg2 mkan and sirih. utk die i dh beli,perfume,cincin,kasut,jam. kitorg 9 balas 9. so, ade lagi 2 for kemeja n specialX. n sirih + chocolate, and buah. total=9. jap.. try list it down.. senang nk nmpk. kn? i wont tulis brand.. xnk jd riak.. xbek.. walaupn nk sgt org tau i beli brand ape.. tapi sbr... separuh dr iman.. hehe, Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku, ampunkn segala dosa2 ku kepadaMu.. sesungguhnya aku hamba yg lemah.. ok,the list is:

  1. cincin
  2. jam
  3. kasut
  4. perfume
  5. kemeja
  6. specialx
  7. kek
  8. sirih+chocolate
  9. buah
lepas dh list down br nmpk kn? kek dh tertggl.. mesti pening klau2 ade reader yg kire time i tulis kt ats td.. sowy ya.. hehhe.. mcm ade reader.-ade reader tetap sygku.Mr. Hubby to-be. love u soo much syg!!

lagi.. pasal my hantran.. from him? undecided.. bnyk sgt choice.. tp yg wajib. 
- duit hantran
- brg kemas
- telekung + Al-Quran
- sirih+chocolate
- kain pasang(Mak dh pesan mmg kne ade)

so yg lagi 4 tu, undecided.. mgkn ade make up set, hangbag+kasut, perfume kot, not sure yet, n mgkn ade specialX jgk kot.. ntah..xpasti lg. SHOPPING will be conducted by me on March. syg, just make ur pocket is full! ok.=) hehe.. dh lame xkuar sbb nk kahwin ney.. yelah takut2.. terlebih belnja for things which is unnecessary. its 9pm, and i feel sleepy.. dh ngatuk pelik x? aduyai.. Isyak blum lagi.. (mandi pn blum.ape tah lg Isyak.ha3. Syg.. rs mcm nk mkn ice-cream. tp esk janji puasa.. esk hr khamis.. syg... syg...

Miss my Mr. Hubby to-be. ok, lah dh pnjg kot.. nk update wedding gunchart then take a nap. esk keje!!
waaa.. try to always love ur job, ok baby!!
